Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 20

Here Barack Obama, our first black President, is being sworn into office. I don't know if I expected to see it in my lifetime. I am thankful I have. While I did not vote for him it is pretty amazing to watch this all unfold and to watch (as many are saying) "living history."

I tried to get Andrew involved and have him watch part of it so maybe he might remember this day when he is older but it didn't work out that way. :-) When I tried to explain to him that we are getting a new President at first he was excited and saying "Yippee" and I thought well maybe they have been talking about it in school. But then he went on to say "I love presents. Where is mine?" Let's just say a little melt down followed. He is still not feeling well so it doesn't take much to set him off.

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